Here at ANU we have always been of the belief that our balms would provide relief for certain skin conditions because of our use of natural ingredients and we are currently conducting clinical trials to assess that impact.
We received this in an email from Sandra Taylor which leads us to believe that we might be on the right track!
“Shortly after my son Ben was born he developed chronic eczema. He was covered from head to toe. Over the years I have tried various lotions and potions to keep his skin moist. Since he was old enough to have a mind of his own.. I have found it very difficult to get him to use any cream beyond a day or two of testing it. Hence his skin, although no longer chronic is still prone to flare-ups from time to time.
I received some samples of the ANU face and night cream through a friend. I didn’t even have to ask Ben, now 12, to use it. He started using it himself when he saw it in the bathroom cabinet. He regimentally puts the face cream on in the morning and when he comes in from school and puts on the night cream before bed. I was amazed how dedicated he was and was curious why these creams were so different from the others that I had spent a fortune on over the years.
So, I asked him why do you use these ANU creams when you never used any of the others I bought. He simply said ’cause it works’. I asked was it the simple packaging, the smell and he said ‘no – just ’cause it works’.
Ben is also using homeopathic remedies prescribed by a homeopathic doctor so I believe that the ANU creams compliment the homeopathic treatment perfectly.
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