I know there’s some of you that can’t get your head around the idea of cleansing with an oily balm and that’s understandable; we equate oiliness with dirt, clogged pores and spotty skin. Aye, but there’s the rub (or not, in the case of a gentle balm) – the oils in a balm bind with your skin’s natural oils and get serious about lifting away the dirt and impurities that have built up over the day.
Other cleansers can be harsh, leaving your lovely face feeling thirsty and dry (literally, stripped of the natural oils you need for healthy skin). Such cleansers are banished here at ANU headquarters and facial wipes are a bit of a dirty word (even if some teenage goddesses think their skin is invincible, sigh) Using a balm not only makes sense for good skin health in the long term, maintaining the skin’s natural oil content, but many have the added benefit of antioxidant and collagen boosting properties. ANU cleansing balm includes castor oil and carrageen Irish moss seaweed – both of which deserve a dedicated blog of their own such are the benefits; I’m talking healing, deep cleansing, anti ageing, moisturising, not to mention aiding acne prone and sensitive skin. They even help reduce pigmentation.
Think of your cleansing balm as a make up remover, cleanser and deep moisturiser all in one. Sure, a make-up wipe is quick, but it’s not effective. This is your face we’re talking about. Get it as clean as possible before you go to sleep and your body starts its regenerative process. Using a cleansing balm is a must for any goddess serious about natural beauty.
ANU Cleansing Balm is easy to use: Massage the balm into your face – even the act of massaging aids rejuvenation – and wipe off with a muslin or gentle cotton face cloth rinsed in warm water. Rinse the cloth and wipe clean again. A cold water rinse will close pores. You can use the damp cloth to apply ANU cleansing balm to your eyes, or dampened cotton wool. It will even get rid of waterproof mascara with ease, so none of that frantic rubbing I was talking about earlier. You don’t have to, but you will want to spend some minutes just feeling your lovely soft clean face. Knowing you’re about as perfect as you can get, go get your beauty sleep.
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